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邓芷珊 广东医科大学

I might be a close contact of the new coronavirus!

One late afternoon on an uneventful weekend, as usual, I intended to stroll out and give myself a treat after five days of hard work.

My first destination was the bustling Pedestrian Street, popular for its boutiques and gourmet stores. Along the street was a flow of crowds, many not wearing masks, and neither was I. I indulged myself in a snack bar and a cafe successively and it was not until my appetite was greatly satisfied that I headed to a supermarket in a cheerful mood. With my shopping done, I carried a sack of booty and wandered home leisurely in the balmy sunset.

Just sitting on the sofa, crossing my legs and unlocking my cell phone, I was shocked to notice the news of a confirmed case of COVID-19 in my county circulating in varied WeChat groups. All of a sudden, I felt as if I was out of breath, and my heart skipped a beat, with some bees hovering around my head, buzzing incessantly. Dizzy and depressed, I closed my eyes and tried to reassure myself: perhaps the confirmed case was traveling on a different track, or maybe it was just a rumor…… Cold sweat soaked my hands, staying on my phone screen as I typed. With trembling fingers, I ran through the quarantine policy of close contact and reminded my parents to take precautions when they returned home.

My parents called to console me. Meanwhile, I couldn’t help questioning why I had gone out without a mask and why I had lowered my guard against the pandemic. Deep remorse was hammering on my heart. Showered, masked, gloved, and locked myself in my little room, I managed to survive the longest hour in the world awaiting the official report.

Finally, the official announcement was released. Holding my breath, I traced the routes of the confirmed case's journey. Stations, restaurants, entertainment venues…… once again, I checked verbatim. Indeed, there was no place where I had been. What a great weight off my mind! Relieved from this tension, I realized that my dress was already drenched with cold sweat.

Determined, I posted on my WeChat moments the words “Always wear a mask when going out, otherwise, the trouble may go in”, reminding everyone to stay alert and continue to fight for the sake of ease and safeness.